Citation - North Carolina Gazette (Davis): 1777.11.14

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Index Entry Ee voila ce mortel, dont la rare industrie [fl] 
Location Paris 
14 Nov 1777:32 (402)
Charlestown, October 16.  From the Leyden gazette to the
18th of July, which we have received. . . [para. with
European news].  Busts of Dr. Franklin were made, and in
great request at Paris; on them were the following lines:
  Ee voila ce mortel, dont la rare industrie
    Au tonnerre imposa des loix!
  Il est beau d'affervir la nature au genie:
    Il est plus beau de triompher des rois.

Generic Title North Carolina Gazette (Davis) 
Date 1777.11.14 
Publisher Davis, James 
City, State Newbern, NC 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0032795
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